Monday, December 22, 2008

IBM’s Interest Demonstrates
IT's Tie to the Smart Grid

If IBM is interested in the electrical smart grid, you got to believe there’s a strong IT connection to smartly managing the efficient use of energy and the money to be made doing just that. In a posting on, Draw Clark, director of strategy, emerging markets, at IBM’s Venture Capital Group, is quoted as saying:
"Cleantech may be the only category [of venture investing] that is left relatively unscathed and [VCs] are looking to put new money into traditional IT type of companies and smart grid is exactly that."
As the article author Michael Kanellos points out, IBM's VC group doesn’t invest in startups, but meets with them to determine future trends and promising companies. Then, IBM figures out how best to tie its strategies and services with these emerging trends. As Kanellos writes:
If Big Blue is excited about something, there is a good chance that a channel for bringing a new idea to market is already being assembled.”
Kanellos writes that the IT angle better fits into the VC mold for building companies.
Unlike solar or biofuel companies, most smart grid outfits don't need to build huge factories. They develop software or networking devices for controlling various aspects of power transmission or consumption.
Who’s getting VC money to make the grid smarter: Trilliant, GridPoint, eMeter, Silver Spring Networks, Smart Synch, GainSpan, Grid Net and Onzo.

Today, the electrical grid isn’t too smart; its electrons mostly move in one direction. Making it a two-way highway is a challenge that will need lots of IT smarts.

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