Friday, December 12, 2008

Defining the Smart Grid

This blogs gives a lot of attention to the smart grid,
mostly because it shows the convergence of the electricity grid with smartness brought on by information technology.

Two recent web postings help define the smart grid:

From the Wired Blog Network: The Austin Smart Grid.

From The New York Times: On the Road to a Smart Grid.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is a troubling overemphasis of "smart meters" when folks try to define the smart grid these days. Metering is only one of many applications that can run over a smart grid, and the "smartness" of a digital meter depends largely on the performance of the NETWORK that connects it. Smart networks for the smart grid must be interoperable enough to run multiple applications - not just metering - and secure enough to keep hackers from meddling with our nation's most important infrastructure.

Networks, not meters, are the critical infrastructure for the smart grid!